79 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not send NodeInfo GetResponse: %s\n",
106 hostname,
sizeof ( hostname ) );
108 "iPXE %s%s%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x (%s)",
109 hostname, ( ( hostname_len >= 0 ) ?
" " :
"" ),
117 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not send NodeDesc GetResponse: %s\n",
146 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not send GuidInfo GetResponse: %s\n",
165 unsigned int link_speed_enabled;
175 if ( ( link_speed_enabled =
179 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p set LID %d SMLID %d link width %d speed %d\n",
185 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not set port information: %s\n",
245 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not send PortInfo GetResponse: %s\n",
267 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p set pkey %04x\n", mi, ibdev->
pkey );
271 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not set pkey table: %s\n",
311 DBGC ( mi,
"SMA %p could not send PKeyTable GetResponse: %s\n",
361 DBGC ( ibdev,
"IBDEV %s SMA using SMI %p\n", ibdev->
name, mi );
int ib_set_pkey_table(struct ib_device *ibdev, union ib_mad *mad)
Set partition key table.
void ib_destroy_sma(struct ib_device *ibdev __unused, struct ib_mad_interface *mi __unused)
Destroy subnet management agent and interface.
struct ib_node_info node_info
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Infiniband management interfaces.
char name[IBDEV_NAME_LEN]
Name of this Infiniband device.
union ib_gid gid
Port GID (comprising GID prefix and port GUID)
static int ib_sma_set_pkey_table(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad)
Set partition key table.
uint8_t link_width_enabled
uint8_t port_phys_state__link_down_def_state
uint8_t link_width_active
union ib_smp_data smp_data
struct device * dev
Underlying device.
int ib_set_port_info(struct ib_device *ibdev, union ib_mad *mad)
Set port information.
A Node Description attribute.
static void ib_sma_pkey_table(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
Partition key table.
static void ib_sma_guid_info(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
GUID information.
An Infiniband management interface.
int ib_create_sma(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi)
Create subnet management agent and interface.
uint8_t link_speed_enabled
Link speed enabled.
static void ib_sma_node_info(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
Node information.
uint8_t link_width_enabled
Link width enabled.
uint8_t link_speed_active__link_speed_enabled
struct ib_port_info port_info
uint8_t link_width_supported
Link width supported.
struct ib_port_info port_info
void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) __nonnull
static void ib_sma_node_desc(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
Node description.
#define __unused
Declare a variable or data structure as unused.
uint8_t link_speed_supported__port_state
static void ib_sma_port_info(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
Port information.
Subnet management class version.
A Node Information attribute.
uint16_t sm_lid
Subnet manager LID.
An Infiniband management agent.
int fetch_string_setting(struct settings *settings, const struct setting *setting, char *data, size_t len)
Fetch value of string setting.
uint8_t link_width_enabled
uint8_t sm_sl
Subnet manager SL.
unsigned int port
Port number.
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
struct ib_node_info node_info
uint8_t neighbour_mtu__mastersm_sl
struct ib_node_desc node_desc
An Infiniband Globally Unique Identifier.
struct ib_pkey_table pkey_table
union ib_guid node_guid
Node GUID.
struct ib_mad_agent ib_sma_agent [] __ib_mad_agent
Subnet management agent.
uint8_t link_width_active
Link width active.
unsigned int ports
Total ports on device.
uint8_t link_width_supported
uint8_t link_speed_active
Link speed active.
uint8_t mgmt_class
Management class.
struct ib_guid_info guid_info
uint8_t port_state
Port state.
struct ib_node_desc node_desc
Infiniband subnet management agent.
uint8_t link_speed_supported
Link speed supported.
struct ib_pkey_table pkey_table
int snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to a buffer.
uint16_t pkey
Partition key.
An Infiniband Address Vector.
A Partition Key Table attribute.
uint8_t init_type_reply__mtu_cap
A GUID Information attribute.
uint8_t operational_vls__enforcement
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
A Port Information attribute.
uint8_t vl_cap__init_type
int ib_mi_send(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad, struct ib_address_vector *av)
Transmit MAD.
static int ib_sma_set_port_info(struct ib_device *ibdev, struct ib_mad_interface *mi, union ib_mad *mad)
Set port information.
void * memset(void *dest, int character, size_t len) __nonnull
struct ib_guid_info guid_info