11 #ifndef __FILE_INFO_H__ 12 #define __FILE_INFO_H__ 16 #define EFI_FILE_INFO_ID \ 18 0x9576e92, 0x6d3f, 0x11d2, {0x8e, 0x39, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b } \ 64 #define SIZE_OF_EFI_FILE_INFO OFFSET_OF (EFI_FILE_INFO, FileName) FILE_LICENCE(BSD2_PATENT)
EFI_TIME CreateTime
The time the file was created.
UINT64 PhysicalSize
PhysicalSize The amount of physical space the file consumes on the file system volume.
128 bit buffer containing a unique identifier value.
EFI_TIME LastAccessTime
The time when the file was last accessed.
UINT8_t FileName[128]
File name.
EFI_TIME ModificationTime
The time when the file's contents were last modified.
UINT64 FileSize
The size of the file in bytes.
unsigned long long UINT64
EFI Time Abstraction: Year: 1900 - 9999 Month: 1 - 12 Day: 1 - 31 Hour: 0 - 23 Minute: 0 - 59 Second:...
EFI_GUID gEfiFileInfoGuid
UINT64 Attribute
The attribute bits for the file.
UINT64 Size
The size of the EFI_FILE_INFO structure, including the Null-terminated FileName string.