The EFI UDPv6 (User Datagram Protocol version 6) Protocol Definition, which is built upon the EFI IPv6 Protocol and provides simple packet-oriented services to transmit and receive UDP packets.
The EFI UDPv6 (User Datagram Protocol version 6) Protocol Definition, which is built upon the EFI IPv6 Protocol and provides simple packet-oriented services to transmit and receive UDP packets.
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent
- Revision Reference:
- This Protocol is introduced in UEFI Specification 2.2
Definition in file Udp6.h.
Initializes, changes, or resets the operational parameters for this instance of the EFI UDPv6 Protocol.
The Configure() function is used to do the following:
- Initialize and start this instance of the EFI UDPv6 Protocol.
- Change the filtering rules and operational parameters.
- Reset this instance of the EFI UDPv6 Protocol.
Until these parameters are initialized, no network traffic can be sent or received by this instance. This instance can be also reset by calling Configure() with UdpConfigData set to NULL. Once reset, the receiving queue and transmitting queue are flushed and no traffic is allowed through this instance.
With different parameters in UdpConfigData, Configure() can be used to bind this instance to specified port.
- Parameters
[in] | This | Pointer to the EFI_UDP6_PROTOCOL instance. |
[in] | UdpConfigData | Pointer to the buffer contained the configuration data. |
- Return values
EFI_SUCCESS | The configuration settings were set, changed, or reset successfully. |
EFI_NO_MAPPING | The underlying IPv6 driver was responsible for choosing a source address for this instance, but no source address was available for use. |
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER | One or more following conditions are TRUE:
- This is NULL.
- UdpConfigData.StationAddress neither zero nor one of the configured IP addresses in the underlying IPv6 driver.
- UdpConfigData.RemoteAddress is not a valid unicast IPv6 address if it is not zero.
EFI_ALREADY_STARTED | The EFI UDPv6 Protocol instance is already started/configured and must be stopped/reset before it can be reconfigured. Only TrafficClass, HopLimit, ReceiveTimeout, and TransmitTimeout can be reconfigured without stopping the current instance of the EFI UDPv6 Protocol. |
EFI_ACCESS_DENIED | UdpConfigData.AllowDuplicatePort is FALSE and UdpConfigData.StationPort is already used by other instance. |
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES | The EFI UDPv6 Protocol driver cannot allocate memory for this EFI UDPv6 Protocol instance. |
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR | An unexpected network or system error occurred and this instance was not opened. |
Definition at line 371 of file Udp6.h.
Queues outgoing data packets into the transmit queue.
The Transmit() function places a sending request to this instance of the EFI UDPv6 Protocol, alongside the transmit data that was filled by the user. Whenever the packet in the token is sent out or some errors occur, the Token.Event will be signaled and Token.Status is updated. Providing a proper notification function and context for the event will enable the user to receive the notification and transmitting status.
- Parameters
[in] | This | Pointer to the EFI_UDP6_PROTOCOL instance. |
[in] | Token | Pointer to the completion token that will be placed into the transmit queue. |
- Return values
EFI_SUCCESS | The data has been queued for transmission. |
EFI_NOT_STARTED | This EFI UDPv6 Protocol instance has not been started. |
EFI_NO_MAPPING | The underlying IPv6 driver was responsible for choosing a source address for this instance, but no source address was available for use. |
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER | One or more of the following are TRUE:
- This is NULL.
- Token is NULL.
- Token.Event is NULL.
- Token.Packet.TxData is NULL.
- Token.Packet.TxData.FragmentCount is zero.
- Token.Packet.TxData.DataLength is not equal to the sum of fragment lengths.
- One or more of the Token.Packet.TxData.FragmentTable[].FragmentLength fields is zero.
- One or more of the Token.Packet.TxData.FragmentTable[].FragmentBuffer fields is NULL.
- Token.Packet.TxData.UdpSessionData.DestinationAddress is not zero and is not valid unicast Ipv6 address if UdpSessionData is not NULL.
- Token.Packet.TxData.UdpSessionData is NULL and this instance's UdpConfigData.RemoteAddress is unspecified.
- Token.Packet.TxData.UdpSessionData.DestinationAddress is non-zero when DestinationAddress is configured as non-zero when doing Configure() for this EFI Udp6 protocol instance.
- Token.Packet.TxData.UdpSesionData.DestinationAddress is zero when DestinationAddress is unspecified when doing Configure() for this EFI Udp6 protocol instance.
EFI_ACCESS_DENIED | The transmit completion token with the same Token.Event was already in the transmit queue. |
EFI_NOT_READY | The completion token could not be queued because the transmit queue is full. |
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES | Could not queue the transmit data. |
EFI_NOT_FOUND | There is no route to the destination network or address. |
EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE | The data length is greater than the maximum UDP packet size. |
Definition at line 458 of file Udp6.h.
Places an asynchronous receive request into the receiving queue.
The Receive() function places a completion token into the receive packet queue. This function is always asynchronous. The caller must fill in the Token.Event field in the completion token, and this field cannot be NULL. When the receive operation completes, the EFI UDPv6 Protocol driver updates the Token.Status and Token.Packet.RxData fields and the Token.Event is signaled. Providing a proper notification function and context for the event will enable the user to receive the notification and receiving status. That notification function is guaranteed to not be re-entered.
- Parameters
[in] | This | Pointer to the EFI_UDP6_PROTOCOL instance. |
[in] | Token | Pointer to a token that is associated with the receive data descriptor. |
- Return values
EFI_SUCCESS | The receive completion token was cached. |
EFI_NOT_STARTED | This EFI UDPv6 Protocol instance has not been started. |
EFI_NO_MAPPING | The underlying IPv6 driver was responsible for choosing a source address for this instance, but no source address was available for use. |
EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER | One or more of the following is TRUE:
- This is NULL.
- Token is NULL.
- Token.Event is NULL.
EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES | The receive completion token could not be queued due to a lack of system resources (usually memory). |
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR | An unexpected system or network error occurred. The EFI UDPv6 Protocol instance has been reset to startup defaults. |
EFI_ACCESS_DENIED | A receive completion token with the same Token.Event was already in the receive queue. |
EFI_NOT_READY | The receive request could not be queued because the receive queue is full. |
Definition at line 497 of file Udp6.h.
Aborts an asynchronous transmit or receive request.
The Cancel() function is used to abort a pending transmit or receive request. If the token is in the transmit or receive request queues, after calling this function, Token.Status will be set to EFI_ABORTED and then Token.Event will be signaled. If the token is not in one of the queues, which usually means that the asynchronous operation has completed, this function will not signal the token and EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned.
- Parameters
- Return values
EFI_SUCCESS | The asynchronous I/O request was aborted and Token.Event was signaled. When Token is NULL, all pending requests are aborted and their events are signaled. |
EFI_NOT_STARTED | This instance has not been started. |
EFI_NOT_FOUND | When Token is not NULL, the asynchronous I/O request was not found in the transmit or receive queue. It has either completed or was not issued by Transmit() and Receive(). |
Definition at line 527 of file Udp6.h.
Polls for incoming data packets and processes outgoing data packets.
The Poll() function can be used by network drivers and applications to increase the rate that data packets are moved between the communications device and the transmit and receive queues. In some systems, the periodic timer event in the managed network driver may not poll the underlying communications device fast enough to transmit and/or receive all data packets without missing incoming packets or dropping outgoing packets. Drivers and applications that are experiencing packet loss should try calling the Poll() function more often.
- Parameters
[in] | This | Pointer to the EFI_UDP6_PROTOCOL instance. |
- Return values
EFI_SUCCESS | Incoming or outgoing data was processed. |
EFI_DEVICE_ERROR | An unexpected system or network error occurred. |
EFI_TIMEOUT | Data was dropped out of the transmit and/or receive queue. Consider increasing the polling rate. |
Definition at line 553 of file Udp6.h.