41 while ( ( win->
curs_y - pos.
y ) == 0 ) {
int erase(void)
Completely clear the screen.
int wdeleteln(WINDOW *win)
Delete line under a window's cursor.
int wmove(WINDOW *win, int y, int x) __nonnull
Move a window's cursor to the specified position.
MuCurses cursor implementation specific header file.
MuCurses core implementation specific header file.
int werase(WINDOW *win)
Completely clear a window.
int wdelch(WINDOW *win)
Delete character under the cursor in a window.
int wclrtoeol(WINDOW *win)
Clear a window to the end of the current line.
void _wcursback(WINDOW *win) __nonnull
Retreat the cursor back one position (useful for a whole host of ops)
static void _restore_curs_pos(WINDOW *win, struct cursor_pos *pos)
Restore cursor position from encoded backup variable.
static void _store_curs_pos(WINDOW *win, struct cursor_pos *pos)
Store cursor position for later restoration.
void _wputc(WINDOW *win, char c, int wrap) __nonnull
Write a single character to a window.
unsigned int curs_x
window cursor position
int wclrtobot(WINDOW *win)
Clear a window to the bottom from current cursor position.