50 if (
offset == *exclude ) {
51 DBGC ( pci,
"PCI %p skipping configuration offset " void pci_restore(struct pci_device *pci, struct pci_config_backup *backup, unsigned int limit, const uint8_t *exclude)
Restore PCI configuration space.
uint32_t dwords[PCI_CONFIG_BACKUP_ALL/sizeof(uint32_t)]
int pci_read_config_dword(struct pci_device *pci, unsigned int where, uint32_t *value)
Read 32-bit dword from PCI configuration space.
A PCI configuration space backup.
PCI configuration space backup exclusion list end marker.
void pci_backup(struct pci_device *pci, struct pci_config_backup *backup, unsigned int limit, const uint8_t *exclude)
Back up PCI configuration space.
int pci_write_config_dword(struct pci_device *pci, unsigned int where, uint32_t value)
Write 32-bit dword to PCI configuration space.
uint16_t offset
Offset to command line.
static int pci_backup_excluded(struct pci_device *pci, unsigned int offset, const uint8_t *exclude)
Check PCI configuration space offset against exclusion list.
PCI configuration space backup and restoration.