Data Structures | Macros | Functions | Variables
efi.h File Reference

EFI API. More...

#include <ipxe/efi/Uefi/UefiBaseType.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/Uefi.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/PiDxe.h>
#include <ipxe/efi/Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
#include <ipxe/tables.h>
#include <ipxe/uuid.h>
#include <ipxe/version.h>
#include <ipxe/profile.h>

Go to the source code of this file.

Data Structures

struct  EFI_HANDLE
struct  efi_saved_tpl
 An EFI saved task priority level. More...
struct  efi_protocol
 An EFI protocol used by iPXE. More...
struct  efi_config_table
 An EFI configuration table used by iPXE. More...


#define _Static_assert(expr, msg)
#define EFI_PROTOCOLS   __table ( struct efi_protocol, "efi_protocols" )
 EFI protocol table. More...
#define __efi_protocol   __table_entry ( EFI_PROTOCOLS, 01 )
 Declare an EFI protocol used by iPXE. More...
#define EFI_REQUIRE_PROTOCOL(_protocol, _ptr)
 Declare an EFI protocol to be required by iPXE. More...
#define EFI_REQUEST_PROTOCOL(_protocol, _ptr)
 Declare an EFI protocol to be requested by iPXE. More...
#define EFI_CONFIG_TABLES   __table ( struct efi_config_table, "efi_config_tables" )
 EFI configuration table table. More...
#define __efi_config_table   __table_entry ( EFI_CONFIG_TABLES, 01 )
 Declare an EFI configuration table used by iPXE. More...
#define EFI_USE_TABLE(_table, _ptr, _required)
 Declare an EFI configuration table to be used by iPXE. More...
#define EFIRC(rc)   ERRNO_TO_PLATFORM ( -(rc) )
 Convert an iPXE status code to an EFI status code. More...
#define EEFI(efirc)   EPLATFORM ( EINFO_EPLATFORM, efirc )
 Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code. More...
#define DBG_EFI_OPENER_IF(level, handle, protocol, opener)
#define DBG_EFI_OPENERS_IF(level, handle, protocol)
#define DBG_EFI_PROTOCOLS_IF(level, handle)
#define DBGC_EFI_OPENER_IF(level, id, ...)
#define DBGC_EFI_OPENERS_IF(level, id, ...)
#define DBGC_EFI_PROTOCOL_IF(level, id, ...)
#define DBGC_EFI_PROTOCOLS_IF(level, id, ...)


const char * efi_guid_ntoa (CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
 Convert GUID to a printable string. More...
const char * efi_locate_search_type_name (EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE search_type)
 Name locate search type. More...
const char * efi_open_attributes_name (unsigned int attributes)
 Name protocol open attributes. More...
const char * efi_devpath_text (EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *path)
 Get textual representation of device path. More...
const char * efi_handle_name (EFI_HANDLE handle)
 Get name of an EFI handle. More...
void dbg_efi_opener (EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY *opener)
 Print opened protocol information. More...
void dbg_efi_openers (EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol)
 Print list of openers of a given protocol on a given handle. More...
void dbg_efi_protocol (EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol)
 Print protocol information on a given handle. More...
void dbg_efi_protocols (EFI_HANDLE handle)
 Print list of protocol handlers attached to a handle. More...
unsigned long efi_stack_cookie (EFI_HANDLE handle)
 Construct a stack cookie value. More...
void __stack_chk_fail (void)
 Abort on stack check failure. More...
static void efi_init_stack_guard (EFI_HANDLE handle)
 Initialise stack cookie. More...
EFI_STATUS efi_init (EFI_HANDLE image_handle, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *systab)
 Initialise EFI environment. More...
void efi_raise_tpl (struct efi_saved_tpl *tpl)
 Raise task priority level to internal level. More...
void efi_restore_tpl (struct efi_saved_tpl *tpl)
 Restore task priority level. More...


EFI_GUID efi_absolute_pointer_protocol_guid
 Absolute pointer protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_acpi_table_protocol_guid
 ACPI table protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_apple_net_boot_protocol_guid
 Apple NetBoot protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_arp_protocol_guid
 ARP protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_arp_service_binding_protocol_guid
 ARP service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_block_io_protocol_guid
 Block I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_block_io2_protocol_guid
 Block I/O version 2 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_bus_specific_driver_override_protocol_guid
 Bus specific driver override protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_component_name_protocol_guid
 Component name protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_component_name2_protocol_guid
 Component name 2 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_console_control_protocol_guid
 Console control protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_device_path_protocol_guid
 Device path protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dhcp4_protocol_guid
 DHCPv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dhcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 DHCPv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dhcp6_protocol_guid
 DHCPv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dhcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 DHCPv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_disk_io_protocol_guid
 Disk I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dns4_protocol_guid
 DNSv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dns4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 DNSv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dns6_protocol_guid
 DNSv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_dns6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 DNSv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_driver_binding_protocol_guid
 Driver binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_graphics_output_protocol_guid
 Graphics output protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_hii_config_access_protocol_guid
 HII configuration access protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_hii_font_protocol_guid
 HII font protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_http_protocol_guid
 HTTP protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_http_service_binding_protocol_guid
 HTTP service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip4_protocol_guid
 IPv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip4_config_protocol_guid
 IPv4 configuration protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip4_config2_protocol_guid
 IPv4 configuration 2 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 IPv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip6_protocol_guid
 IPv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip6_config_protocol_guid
 IPv6 configuration protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_ip6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 IPv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_load_file_protocol_guid
 Load file protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_load_file2_protocol_guid
 Load file 2 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid
 Loaded image protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_loaded_image_device_path_protocol_guid
 Loaded image device path protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_managed_network_protocol_guid
 Managed network protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_managed_network_service_binding_protocol_guid
 Managed network service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_mtftp4_protocol_guid
 MTFTPv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_mtftp4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 MTFTPv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_mtftp6_protocol_guid
 MTFTPv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_mtftp6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 MTFTPv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_nii_protocol_guid
 Network interface identifier protocol GUID (old version) More...
EFI_GUID efi_nii31_protocol_guid
 Network interface identifier protocol GUID (new version) More...
EFI_GUID efi_pci_io_protocol_guid
 PCI I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_pci_root_bridge_io_protocol_guid
 PCI root bridge I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_pxe_base_code_protocol_guid
 PXE base code protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_serial_io_protocol_guid
 Serial I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_shim_lock_protocol_guid
 Shim lock protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_file_system_protocol_guid
 Simple file system protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_network_protocol_guid
 Simple network protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_pointer_protocol_guid
 Simple pointer protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_input_protocol_guid
 Simple text input protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_input_ex_protocol_guid
 Simple text input extension protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_output_protocol_guid
 Simple text output protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcg_protocol_guid
 TCG protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcg2_protocol_guid
 TCG2 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcp4_protocol_guid
 TCPv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 TCPv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcp6_protocol_guid
 TCPv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 TCPv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_tree_protocol_guid
 TrEE protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_udp4_protocol_guid
 UDPv4 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_udp4_service_binding_protocol_guid
 UDPv4 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_udp6_protocol_guid
 UDPv6 protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_udp6_service_binding_protocol_guid
 UDPv6 service binding protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_uga_draw_protocol_guid
 UGA draw protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_unicode_collation_protocol_guid
 Unicode collation protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_usb_hc_protocol_guid
 USB host controller protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_usb2_hc_protocol_guid
 USB2 host controller protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_usb_io_protocol_guid
 USB I/O protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_vlan_config_protocol_guid
 VLAN configuration protocol GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_file_info_id
 File information GUID. More...
EFI_GUID efi_file_system_info_id
 File system information GUID. More...
EFI_HANDLE efi_image_handle
 Image handle passed to entry point. More...
 Loaded image protocol for this image. More...
 Device path for the loaded image's device handle. More...
EFI_TPL efi_internal_tpl
 Internal task priority level. More...
EFI_TPL efi_external_tpl
 External task priority level. More...
int efi_shutdown_in_progress
 EFI shutdown is in progress. More...
unsigned long __stack_chk_guard
 Stack cookie. More...

Detailed Description


The intention is to include near-verbatim copies of the EFI headers required by iPXE. This is achieved using the import.pl script in this directory. Run the import script to update the local copies of the headers:

./import.pl /path/to/edk2/edk2

where /path/to/edk2/edk2 is the path to your local checkout of the EFI Development Kit.

Note that import.pl will modify any #include lines in each imported header to reflect its new location within the iPXE tree. It will also tidy up the file by removing carriage return characters and trailing whitespace.

Definition in file efi.h.

Macro Definition Documentation



Definition at line 52 of file efi.h.

◆ _Static_assert

#define _Static_assert (   expr,

Definition at line 54 of file efi.h.


#define EFI_PROTOCOLS   __table ( struct efi_protocol, "efi_protocols" )

EFI protocol table.

Definition at line 94 of file efi.h.

◆ __efi_protocol

#define __efi_protocol   __table_entry ( EFI_PROTOCOLS, 01 )

Declare an EFI protocol used by iPXE.

Definition at line 97 of file efi.h.


#define EFI_REQUIRE_PROTOCOL (   _protocol,
struct efi_protocol __ ## _protocol __efi_protocol = { \
.guid = _protocol ## _GUID, \
.protocol = ( ( void ** ) ( void * ) \
( ( (_ptr) == ( ( _protocol ** ) (_ptr) ) ) ? \
(_ptr) : (_ptr) ) ), \
.required = 1, \
An EFI protocol used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:84
int required
Protocol is required.
Definition: efi.h:90
#define __efi_protocol
Declare an EFI protocol used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:97

Declare an EFI protocol to be required by iPXE.

_protocolEFI protocol name
_ptrPointer to protocol instance

Definition at line 104 of file efi.h.


#define EFI_REQUEST_PROTOCOL (   _protocol,
struct efi_protocol __ ## _protocol __efi_protocol = { \
.guid = _protocol ## _GUID, \
.protocol = ( ( void ** ) ( void * ) \
( ( (_ptr) == ( ( _protocol ** ) (_ptr) ) ) ? \
(_ptr) : (_ptr) ) ), \
.required = 0, \
An EFI protocol used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:84
int required
Protocol is required.
Definition: efi.h:90
#define __efi_protocol
Declare an EFI protocol used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:97

Declare an EFI protocol to be requested by iPXE.

_protocolEFI protocol name
_ptrPointer to protocol instance

Definition at line 118 of file efi.h.


#define EFI_CONFIG_TABLES   __table ( struct efi_config_table, "efi_config_tables" )

EFI configuration table table.

Definition at line 138 of file efi.h.

◆ __efi_config_table

#define __efi_config_table   __table_entry ( EFI_CONFIG_TABLES, 01 )

Declare an EFI configuration table used by iPXE.

Definition at line 142 of file efi.h.


#define EFI_USE_TABLE (   _table,
struct efi_config_table __ ## _table __efi_config_table = { \
.guid = _table ## _GUID, \
.table = ( ( void ** ) ( void * ) (_ptr) ), \
.required = (_required), \
An EFI configuration table used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:128
#define __efi_config_table
Declare an EFI configuration table used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:142

Declare an EFI configuration table to be used by iPXE.

_tableEFI configuration table name
_ptrPointer to configuration table
_requiredTable is required for operation

Definition at line 150 of file efi.h.


#define EFIRC (   rc)    ERRNO_TO_PLATFORM ( -(rc) )

Convert an iPXE status code to an EFI status code.

rciPXE status code
Return values
efircEFI status code

Definition at line 163 of file efi.h.


#define EEFI (   efirc)    EPLATFORM ( EINFO_EPLATFORM, efirc )

Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.

efircEFI status code
Return values
rciPXE status code (before negation)

Definition at line 171 of file efi.h.


#define DBG_EFI_OPENER_IF (   level,
do { \
if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
dbg_efi_opener ( handle, protocol, \
opener ); \
} \
} while ( 0 )
uint16_t protocol
Protocol ID.
Definition: stp.h:18
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

Definition at line 276 of file efi.h.


#define DBG_EFI_OPENERS_IF (   level,
do { \
if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
dbg_efi_openers ( handle, protocol ); \
} \
} while ( 0 )
uint16_t protocol
Protocol ID.
Definition: stp.h:18
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

Definition at line 284 of file efi.h.


#define DBG_EFI_PROTOCOLS_IF (   level,
do { \
if ( DBG_ ## level ) { \
dbg_efi_protocols ( handle ); \
} \
} while ( 0 )
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

Definition at line 290 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_OPENER_IF (   level,
do { \
DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
DBG_EFI_OPENER_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
} while ( 0 )

Definition at line 296 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_OPENERS_IF (   level,
do { \
DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
DBG_EFI_OPENERS_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
} while ( 0 )

Definition at line 302 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_PROTOCOL_IF (   level,
do { \
DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
DBG_EFI_PROTOCOL_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
} while ( 0 )

Definition at line 308 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_PROTOCOLS_IF (   level,
do { \
DBG_AC_IF ( level, id ); \
DBG_EFI_PROTOCOLS_IF ( level, __VA_ARGS__ ); \
DBG_DC_IF ( level ); \
} while ( 0 )

Definition at line 314 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_OPENER (   ...)    DBGC_EFI_OPENER_IF ( LOG, ##__VA_ARGS__ )

Definition at line 320 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC_EFI_OPENERS (   ...)    DBGC_EFI_OPENERS_IF ( LOG, ##__VA_ARGS__ )

Definition at line 322 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 324 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 326 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC2_EFI_OPENER (   ...)    DBGC_EFI_OPENER_IF ( EXTRA, ##__VA_ARGS__ )

Definition at line 329 of file efi.h.


#define DBGC2_EFI_OPENERS (   ...)    DBGC_EFI_OPENERS_IF ( EXTRA, ##__VA_ARGS__ )

Definition at line 331 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 333 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 335 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 338 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 340 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 342 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 344 of file efi.h.



Definition at line 351 of file efi.h.

Function Documentation



◆ efi_guid_ntoa()

const char* efi_guid_ntoa ( CONST EFI_GUID guid)

Convert GUID to a printable string.

Return values
stringPrintable string

Definition at line 256 of file efi_debug.c.

256  {
257  union {
258  union uuid uuid;
259  EFI_GUID guid;
260  } u;
261  unsigned int i;
263  /* Sanity check */
264  if ( ! guid )
265  return NULL;
267  /* Check for a match against well-known GUIDs */
268  for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( efi_well_known_guids ) /
269  sizeof ( efi_well_known_guids[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
271  sizeof ( *guid ) ) == 0 ) {
272  return efi_well_known_guids[i].name;
273  }
274  }
276  /* Convert GUID to standard endianness */
277  memcpy ( &u.guid, guid, sizeof ( u.guid ) );
278  uuid_mangle ( &u.uuid );
279  return uuid_ntoa ( &u.uuid );
280 }
const char * name
Definition: efi_debug.c:85
128 bit buffer containing a unique identifier value.
Definition: Base.h:215
A universally unique ID.
Definition: uuid.h:15
static struct efi_well_known_guid efi_well_known_guids[]
Well-known GUIDs.
Definition: efi_debug.c:89
static void uuid_mangle(union uuid *uuid)
Change UUID endianness.
Definition: uuid.h:43
void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) __nonnull
const char * uuid_ntoa(const union uuid *uuid)
Convert UUID to printable string.
Definition: uuid.c:45
uint64_t guid
Definition: edd.h:30
Definition: efi.h:130
union @17 u
int memcmp(const void *first, const void *second, size_t len)
Compare memory regions.
Definition: string.c:114
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
Definition: Base.h:321

References efi_well_known_guids, guid, efi_well_known_guid::guid, memcmp(), memcpy(), efi_well_known_guid::name, NULL, u, uuid_mangle(), and uuid_ntoa().

Referenced by chained_locate(), chained_supported(), dbg_efi_opener(), dbg_efi_openers(), dbg_efi_protocol(), efi_autoexec_load(), efi_close_protocol_wrapper(), efi_create_event_ex_wrapper(), efi_file_get_info(), efi_file_path_uninstall(), efi_file_set_info(), efi_handle_name(), efi_handle_protocol_wrapper(), efi_init(), efi_install_configuration_table_wrapper(), efi_install_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_install_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_locate_device(), efi_locate_device_path_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_buffer_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_wrapper(), efi_locate_protocol_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_information_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_wrapper(), efi_protocols_per_handle_wrapper(), efi_register_protocol_notify_wrapper(), efi_reinstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_service_add(), efi_service_del(), efi_uninstall_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_uninstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_veto_close_protocol(), efivars_fetch(), efivars_find(), and snpnet_supported().

◆ efi_locate_search_type_name()

const char* efi_locate_search_type_name ( EFI_LOCATE_SEARCH_TYPE  search_type)

Name locate search type.

search_typeLocate search type
Return values
nameLocate search type name

Definition at line 289 of file efi_debug.c.

289  {
290  static char buf[16];
292  switch ( search_type ) {
293  case AllHandles : return "AllHandles";
294  case ByRegisterNotify: return "ByRegisterNotify";
295  case ByProtocol: return "ByProtocol";
296  default:
297  snprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "UNKNOWN<%d>", search_type );
298  return buf;
299  }
300 }
Retrieve all the handles in the handle database.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1511
Retrieve the next handle fron a RegisterProtocolNotify() event.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1515
int snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to a buffer.
Definition: vsprintf.c:382
Retrieve the set of handles from the handle database that support a specified protocol.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1520

References AllHandles, ByProtocol, ByRegisterNotify, and snprintf().

Referenced by efi_locate_handle_buffer_wrapper(), and efi_locate_handle_wrapper().

◆ efi_open_attributes_name()

const char* efi_open_attributes_name ( unsigned int  attributes)

Name protocol open attributes.

attributesProtocol open attributes
Return values
nameProtocol open attributes name

Returns a (static) string with characters for each set bit corresponding to BY_(H)ANDLE_PROTOCOL, (G)ET_PROTOCOL, (T)EST_PROTOCOL, BY_(C)HILD_CONTROLLER, BY_(D)RIVER, and E(X)CLUSIVE.

Definition at line 314 of file efi_debug.c.

314  {
315  static char attribute_chars[] = "HGTCDX";
316  static char name[ sizeof ( attribute_chars ) ];
317  char *tmp = name;
318  unsigned int i;
320  for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( attribute_chars ) - 1 ) ; i++ ) {
321  if ( attributes & ( 1 << i ) )
322  *(tmp++) = attribute_chars[i];
323  }
324  *tmp = '\0';
326  return name;
327 }
const char * name
Definition: ath9k_hw.c:1984
unsigned long tmp
Definition: linux_pci.h:63

References name, and tmp.

Referenced by dbg_efi_opener(), and efi_open_protocol_wrapper().

◆ efi_devpath_text()

const char* efi_devpath_text ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL path)

Get textual representation of device path.

pathDevice path
Return values
textTextual representation of device path, or NULL

Definition at line 463 of file efi_debug.c.

463  {
465  static char text[512];
466  size_t len;
467  CHAR16 *wtext;
469  /* Sanity checks */
470  if ( ! path ) {
471  DBG ( "[NULL DevicePath]" );
472  return NULL;
473  }
475  /* If we have no DevicePathToText protocol then use a raw hex string */
476  if ( ! efidpt ) {
477  DBG ( "[No DevicePathToText]" );
478  len = efi_path_len ( path );
479  base16_encode ( path, len, text, sizeof ( text ) );
480  return text;
481  }
483  /* Convert path to a textual representation */
484  wtext = efidpt->ConvertDevicePathToText ( path, FALSE, FALSE );
485  if ( ! wtext )
486  return NULL;
488  /* Store path in buffer */
489  snprintf ( text, sizeof ( text ), "%ls", wtext );
491  /* Free path */
492  bs->FreePool ( wtext );
494  return text;
495 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
size_t efi_path_len(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *path)
Find length of device path (excluding terminator)
Definition: efi_path.c:144
unsigned short CHAR16
Device path to text protocol.
Definition: efi_debug.c:47
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1936
#define FALSE
Definition: tlan.h:45
int snprintf(char *buf, size_t size, const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to a buffer.
Definition: vsprintf.c:382
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
#define DBG(...)
Print a debugging message.
Definition: compiler.h:498
uint32_t len
Definition: ena.h:14
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
Definition: Base.h:321

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, EFI_DEVICE_PATH_TO_TEXT_PROTOCOL::ConvertDevicePathToText, DBG, efi_path_len(), efi_systab, efidpt, FALSE, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::FreePool, len, NULL, and snprintf().

Referenced by efi_block_exec(), efi_block_hook(), efi_block_match(), efi_connect_controller_wrapper(), efi_driver_start(), efi_driver_supported(), efi_dump_image(), efi_file_path_claim(), efi_file_path_install(), efi_file_path_uninstall(), efi_init(), efi_load_image_wrapper(), efi_loaded_image_filepath_name(), efi_local_open_volume(), efi_locate_device(), efi_locate_device_path_wrapper(), efi_path_net_probe(), usbio_open(), and usbio_path().

◆ efi_handle_name()

const char* efi_handle_name ( EFI_HANDLE  handle)

Get name of an EFI handle.

handleEFI handle
Return values
textName of handle, or NULL

Definition at line 810 of file efi_debug.c.

810  {
812  struct efi_handle_name_type *type;
813  static char buf[256];
814  size_t used = 0;
815  EFI_GUID **protocols;
816  UINTN count;
817  unsigned int i;
818  void *interface;
819  const char *name;
820  EFI_STATUS efirc;
822  /* Fail immediately for NULL handles */
823  if ( ! handle )
824  return NULL;
826  /* Try each name type in turn */
827  for ( i = 0 ; i < ( sizeof ( efi_handle_name_types ) /
828  sizeof ( efi_handle_name_types[0] ) ) ; i++ ) {
830  DBG2 ( "<%d", i );
832  /* Try to open the applicable protocol */
833  efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( handle, type->protocol, &interface,
836  if ( efirc != 0 ) {
837  DBG2 ( ">" );
838  continue;
839  }
841  /* Try to get name from this protocol */
842  DBG2 ( "-" );
843  name = type->name ( interface );
844  DBG2 ( "%c", ( name ? ( name[0] ? 'Y' : 'E' ) : 'N' ) );
846  /* Close protocol */
847  bs->CloseProtocol ( handle, type->protocol,
849  DBG2 ( ">" );
851  /* Use this name, if possible */
852  if ( name && name[0] )
853  return name;
854  }
856  /* If no name is found, then use the raw handle value and a
857  * list of installed protocols.
858  */
859  used = ssnprintf ( buf, sizeof ( buf ), "UNKNOWN<%p", handle );
860  if ( ( efirc = bs->ProtocolsPerHandle ( handle, &protocols,
861  &count ) ) == 0 ) {
862  for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
863  used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ),
864  ( sizeof ( buf ) - used ), ",%s",
865  efi_guid_ntoa ( protocols[i] ) );
866  }
867  bs->FreePool ( protocols );
868  }
869  used += ssnprintf ( ( buf + used ), ( sizeof ( buf ) - used ), ">" );
870  return buf;
871 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
const char * name
Definition: ath9k_hw.c:1984
128 bit buffer containing a unique identifier value.
Definition: Base.h:215
uint32_t type
Operating system type.
Definition: ena.h:12
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1987
int ssnprintf(char *buf, ssize_t ssize, const char *fmt,...)
Version of vsnprintf() that accepts a signed buffer size.
Definition: vsprintf.c:420
An object interface.
Definition: interface.h:124
uint16_t count
Number of entries.
Definition: ena.h:22
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1344
static struct efi_handle_name_type efi_handle_name_types[]
EFI handle name types.
Definition: efi_debug.c:774
const char * efi_guid_ntoa(CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
Convert GUID to a printable string.
Definition: efi_debug.c:256
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
EFI_HANDLE efi_image_handle
Image handle passed to entry point.
Definition: efi_init.c:34
Unsigned value of native width.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1936
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1993
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
An EFI handle name type.
Definition: efi_debug.c:749
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1986
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
Definition: Base.h:321
#define DBG2(...)
Definition: compiler.h:515

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::CloseProtocol, count, DBG2, efi_guid_ntoa(), efi_handle_name_types, efi_image_handle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL, efi_systab, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::FreePool, handle, name, NULL, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::OpenProtocol, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::ProtocolsPerHandle, ssnprintf(), and type.

Referenced by chained_locate(), chained_supported(), dbg_efi_opener(), dbg_efi_openers(), dbg_efi_protocol(), dbg_efi_protocols(), efi_autoexec_filesystem(), efi_autoexec_load(), efi_autoexec_network(), efi_block_boot(), efi_block_filename(), efi_block_hook(), efi_block_local(), efi_block_match(), efi_block_root(), efi_bofm_start(), efi_bofm_supported(), efi_cachedhcp_record(), efi_child_add(), efi_child_del(), efi_close_protocol_wrapper(), efi_connect_controller_wrapper(), efi_device_info(), efi_disconnect_controller_wrapper(), efi_driver_connect(), efi_driver_start(), efi_driver_stop(), efi_driver_supported(), efi_dump_image(), efi_exit_boot_services_wrapper(), efi_exit_wrapper(), efi_file_path_claim(), efi_handle_protocol_wrapper(), efi_install_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_install_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_load_image_wrapper(), efi_local_check_volume_name(), efi_local_open_root(), efi_local_open_volume(), efi_locate_device(), efi_locate_device_path_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_buffer_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_information_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_wrapper(), efi_pci_info(), efi_protocols_per_handle_wrapper(), efi_pxe_install(), efi_pxe_uninstall(), efi_reinstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_service_add(), efi_service_del(), efi_set_autoboot_ll_addr(), efi_snp_probe(), efi_start_image_wrapper(), efi_uninstall_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_uninstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_unload_image_wrapper(), efi_usb_install(), efi_usb_uninstall(), efi_veto(), efi_veto_close(), efi_veto_close_handle(), efi_veto_close_protocol(), efi_veto_destroy(), efi_veto_disconnect(), efi_veto_find(), efi_veto_uninstall(), efi_veto_unload(), efidev_alloc(), efipci_discover_one(), efipci_open(), efipci_root_open(), efipci_start(), mnpnet_start(), mnptemp_create(), nii_start(), snpnet_start(), snpnet_stop(), snpnet_supported(), usbio_bulk_in_poll(), usbio_bulk_out_poll(), usbio_config(), usbio_control_poll(), usbio_endpoint_open(), usbio_interface(), usbio_interfaces(), usbio_interrupt_callback(), usbio_interrupt_open(), usbio_open(), usbio_path(), usbio_start(), and usbio_supported().

◆ dbg_efi_opener()

void dbg_efi_opener ( EFI_HANDLE  handle,
EFI_GUID protocol,

Print opened protocol information.

handleEFI handle @V protocol Protocol GUID
openerOpened protocol information

Definition at line 336 of file efi_debug.c.

337  {
339  printf ( "HANDLE %s %s opened %dx (%s)", efi_handle_name ( handle ),
340  efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ), opener->OpenCount,
341  efi_open_attributes_name ( opener->Attributes ) );
342  printf ( " by %s", efi_handle_name ( opener->AgentHandle ) );
343  if ( opener->ControllerHandle == handle ) {
344  printf ( "\n" );
345  } else {
346  printf ( " for %s\n",
347  efi_handle_name ( opener->ControllerHandle ) );
348  }
349 }
int printf(const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to the console.
Definition: vsprintf.c:464
EFI_HANDLE ControllerHandle
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1423
EFI_HANDLE AgentHandle
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1422
UINT32 OpenCount
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1425
UINT32 Attributes
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1424
const char * efi_handle_name(EFI_HANDLE handle)
Get name of an EFI handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:810
const char * efi_guid_ntoa(CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
Convert GUID to a printable string.
Definition: efi_debug.c:256
const char * efi_open_attributes_name(unsigned int attributes)
Name protocol open attributes.
Definition: efi_debug.c:314
uint16_t protocol
Protocol ID.
Definition: stp.h:18
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY::AgentHandle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY::Attributes, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY::ControllerHandle, efi_guid_ntoa(), efi_handle_name(), efi_open_attributes_name(), handle, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY::OpenCount, printf(), and protocol.

Referenced by dbg_efi_openers().

◆ dbg_efi_openers()

void dbg_efi_openers ( EFI_HANDLE  handle,
EFI_GUID protocol 

Print list of openers of a given protocol on a given handle.

handleEFI handle
protocolProtocol GUID

Definition at line 357 of file efi_debug.c.

357  {
360  UINTN count;
361  unsigned int i;
362  EFI_STATUS efirc;
363  int rc;
365  /* Sanity check */
366  if ( ( ! handle ) || ( ! protocol ) ) {
367  printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve openers for %s\n",
369  efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ) );
370  return;
371  }
373  /* Retrieve list of openers */
374  if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocolInformation ( handle, protocol, &openers,
375  &count ) ) != 0 ) {
376  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
377  printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve openers for %s: %s\n",
379  efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ), strerror ( rc ) );
380  return;
381  }
383  /* Dump list of openers */
384  for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ )
385  dbg_efi_opener ( handle, protocol, &openers[i] );
387  /* Free list */
388  bs->FreePool ( openers );
389 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Definition: arbel.h:14
EFI Oprn Protocol Information Entry.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1421
#define EEFI(efirc)
Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.
Definition: efi.h:171
int printf(const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to the console.
Definition: vsprintf.c:464
void dbg_efi_opener(EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_INFORMATION_ENTRY *opener)
Print opened protocol information.
Definition: efi_debug.c:336
uint16_t count
Number of entries.
Definition: ena.h:22
const char * efi_handle_name(EFI_HANDLE handle)
Get name of an EFI handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:810
const char * efi_guid_ntoa(CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
Convert GUID to a printable string.
Definition: efi_debug.c:256
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
Definition: strerror.c:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
Unsigned value of native width.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1936
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1988
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
uint16_t protocol
Protocol ID.
Definition: stp.h:18
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, count, dbg_efi_opener(), EEFI, efi_guid_ntoa(), efi_handle_name(), efi_systab, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::FreePool, handle, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::OpenProtocolInformation, printf(), protocol, rc, and strerror().

Referenced by dbg_efi_protocol().

◆ dbg_efi_protocol()

void dbg_efi_protocol ( EFI_HANDLE  handle,
EFI_GUID protocol 

Print protocol information on a given handle.

handleEFI handle
protocolProtocol GUID

Definition at line 397 of file efi_debug.c.

397  {
399  VOID *interface;
400  EFI_STATUS efirc;
401  int rc;
403  /* Get protocol instance */
404  if ( ( efirc = bs->HandleProtocol ( handle, protocol,
405  &interface ) ) != 0 ) {
406  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
407  printf ( "HANDLE %s could not identify %s: %s\n",
409  efi_guid_ntoa ( protocol ), strerror ( rc ) );
410  return;
411  }
412  printf ( "HANDLE %s %s at %p\n", efi_handle_name ( handle ),
415  /* Dump list of openers */
417 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Definition: arbel.h:14
#define EEFI(efirc)
Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.
Definition: efi.h:171
int printf(const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to the console.
Definition: vsprintf.c:464
void dbg_efi_openers(EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol)
Print list of openers of a given protocol on a given handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:357
An object interface.
Definition: interface.h:124
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1954
const char * efi_handle_name(EFI_HANDLE handle)
Get name of an EFI handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:810
const char * efi_guid_ntoa(CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
Convert GUID to a printable string.
Definition: efi_debug.c:256
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
Definition: strerror.c:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
#define VOID
Undeclared type.
Definition: Base.h:271
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
uint16_t protocol
Protocol ID.
Definition: stp.h:18
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, dbg_efi_openers(), EEFI, efi_guid_ntoa(), efi_handle_name(), efi_systab, handle, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::HandleProtocol, printf(), protocol, rc, strerror(), and VOID.

Referenced by dbg_efi_protocols().

◆ dbg_efi_protocols()

void dbg_efi_protocols ( EFI_HANDLE  handle)

Print list of protocol handlers attached to a handle.

handleEFI handle

Definition at line 424 of file efi_debug.c.

424  {
426  EFI_GUID **protocols;
427  UINTN count;
428  unsigned int i;
429  EFI_STATUS efirc;
430  int rc;
432  /* Sanity check */
433  if ( ! handle ) {
434  printf ( "HANDLE %p could not retrieve protocols\n", handle );
435  return;
436  }
438  /* Retrieve list of protocols */
439  if ( ( efirc = bs->ProtocolsPerHandle ( handle, &protocols,
440  &count ) ) != 0 ) {
441  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
442  printf ( "HANDLE %s could not retrieve protocols: %s\n",
443  efi_handle_name ( handle ), strerror ( rc ) );
444  return;
445  }
447  /* Dump list of protocols */
448  for ( i = 0 ; i < count ; i++ ) {
449  dbg_efi_protocol ( handle, protocols[i] );
450  }
452  /* Free list */
453  bs->FreePool ( protocols );
454 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Definition: arbel.h:14
#define EEFI(efirc)
Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.
Definition: efi.h:171
int printf(const char *fmt,...)
Write a formatted string to the console.
Definition: vsprintf.c:464
128 bit buffer containing a unique identifier value.
Definition: Base.h:215
void dbg_efi_protocol(EFI_HANDLE handle, EFI_GUID *protocol)
Print protocol information on a given handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:397
uint16_t count
Number of entries.
Definition: ena.h:22
const char * efi_handle_name(EFI_HANDLE handle)
Get name of an EFI handle.
Definition: efi_debug.c:810
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
Definition: strerror.c:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
Unsigned value of native width.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1936
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1993
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, count, dbg_efi_protocol(), EEFI, efi_handle_name(), efi_systab, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::FreePool, handle, printf(), EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::ProtocolsPerHandle, rc, and strerror().

◆ efi_stack_cookie()

unsigned long efi_stack_cookie ( EFI_HANDLE  handle)

Construct a stack cookie value.

handleImage handle
Return values
cookieStack cookie

Definition at line 131 of file efi_init.c.

131  {
132  unsigned long cookie = 0;
133  unsigned int rotation = ( 8 * sizeof ( cookie ) / 4 );
135  /* There is no viable source of entropy available at this
136  * point. Construct a value that is at least likely to vary
137  * between platforms and invocations.
138  */
139  cookie ^= ( ( unsigned long ) handle );
140  cookie = roll ( cookie, rotation );
141  cookie ^= ( ( unsigned long ) &handle );
142  cookie = roll ( cookie, rotation );
143  cookie ^= profile_timestamp();
144  cookie = roll ( cookie, rotation );
145  cookie ^= build_id;
147  /* Ensure that the value contains a NUL byte, to act as a
148  * runaway string terminator. Construct the NUL using a shift
149  * rather than a mask, to avoid losing valuable entropy in the
150  * lower-order bits.
151  */
152  cookie <<= 8;
154  /* Ensure that the NUL byte is placed at the bottom of the
155  * stack cookie, to avoid potential disclosure via an
156  * unterminated string.
157  */
158  if ( __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN )
159  cookie >>= 8;
161  return cookie;
162 }
#define __BYTE_ORDER
Definition: endian.h:6
unsigned long build_id
Build ID.
Definition: version.c:61
#define __BIG_ENDIAN
Constant representing big-endian byte order.
Definition: endian.h:21
static unsigned int rotation
Definition: rotate.h:22
unsigned long profile_timestamp(void)
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References __BIG_ENDIAN, __BYTE_ORDER, build_id, handle, profile_timestamp(), and rotation.

Referenced by efi_init_stack_guard().

◆ __stack_chk_fail()

void __stack_chk_fail ( void  )

Abort on stack check failure.

Definition at line 372 of file efi_init.c.

372  {
373  EFI_STATUS efirc;
374  int rc;
376  /* Report failure (when debugging) */
377  DBGC ( efi_systab, "EFI stack check failed (cookie %#lx); aborting\n",
380  /* Attempt to exit cleanly with an error status */
381  if ( efi_exit ) {
383  0, NULL );
384  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
385  DBGC ( efi_systab, "EFI stack check exit failed: %s\n",
386  strerror ( rc ) );
387  }
389  /* If the exit fails for any reason, lock the system */
390  while ( 1 ) {}
392 }
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Definition: arbel.h:14
#define EEFI(efirc)
Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.
Definition: efi.h:171
#define DBGC(...)
Definition: compiler.h:505
Enumeration of EFI_STATUS.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:145
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
Definition: strerror.c:78
EFI_HANDLE efi_image_handle
Image handle passed to entry point.
Definition: efi_init.c:34
unsigned long __stack_chk_guard
Stack cookie.
Definition: efi_init.c:64
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
static EFI_EXIT efi_exit
Exit function.
Definition: efi_init.c:71
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
Definition: Base.h:321

References __stack_chk_guard, DBGC, EEFI, EFI_COMPROMISED_DATA, efi_exit, efi_image_handle, efi_systab, NULL, rc, and strerror().

◆ efi_init_stack_guard()

static void efi_init_stack_guard ( EFI_HANDLE  handle)

Initialise stack cookie.

handleImage handle

Definition at line 364 of file efi.h.

364  {
366  /* The calling function must not itself use stack protection,
367  * since the change in the stack guard value would trigger a
368  * false positive.
369  *
370  * There is unfortunately no way to annotate a function to
371  * exclude the use of stack protection. We must therefore
372  * rely on correctly anticipating the compiler's decision on
373  * the use of stack protection.
374  *
375  * The calculation of the stack cookie value deliberately
376  * takes the address of a stack variable (to provide an
377  * additional source of entropy). This operation would
378  * trigger the application of stack protection to the calling
379  * function, and so must be externalised.
380  */
382 }
unsigned long __stack_chk_guard
Stack cookie.
Definition: efi_init.c:64
unsigned long efi_stack_cookie(EFI_HANDLE handle)
Construct a stack cookie value.
Definition: efi_init.c:131
uint16_t handle
Definition: smbios.h:16

References __stack_chk_guard, efi_stack_cookie(), and handle.

Referenced by _efi_start(), and _efidrv_start().

◆ efi_init()

EFI_STATUS efi_init ( EFI_HANDLE  image_handle,

Initialise EFI environment.

image_handleImage handle
systabSystem table
Return values
efircEFI return status code

Definition at line 171 of file efi_init.c.

172  {
174  struct efi_protocol *prot;
175  struct efi_config_table *tab;
176  void *loaded_image;
177  void *device_path;
178  void *device_path_copy;
179  size_t device_path_len;
180  EFI_STATUS efirc;
181  int rc;
183  /* Store image handle and system table pointer for future use */
184  efi_image_handle = image_handle;
185  efi_systab = systab;
187  /* Sanity checks */
188  if ( ! systab ) {
190  goto err_sanity;
191  }
192  if ( ! systab->ConOut ) {
194  goto err_sanity;
195  }
196  if ( ! systab->BootServices ) {
197  DBGC ( systab, "EFI provided no BootServices entry point\n" );
199  goto err_sanity;
200  }
201  if ( ! systab->RuntimeServices ) {
202  DBGC ( systab, "EFI provided no RuntimeServices entry "
203  "point\n" );
205  goto err_sanity;
206  }
207  DBGC ( systab, "EFI handle %p systab %p\n", image_handle, systab );
208  bs = systab->BootServices;
210  /* Store abort function pointer */
211  efi_exit = bs->Exit;
213  /* Look up used protocols */
215  if ( ( efirc = bs->LocateProtocol ( &prot->guid, NULL,
216  prot->protocol ) ) == 0 ) {
217  DBGC ( systab, "EFI protocol %s is at %p\n",
218  efi_guid_ntoa ( &prot->guid ),
219  *(prot->protocol) );
220  } else {
221  DBGC ( systab, "EFI does not provide protocol %s\n",
222  efi_guid_ntoa ( &prot->guid ) );
223  /* Fail if protocol is required */
224  if ( prot->required )
225  goto err_missing_protocol;
226  }
227  }
229  /* Look up used configuration tables */
231  if ( ( *(tab->table) = efi_find_table ( &tab->guid ) ) ) {
232  DBGC ( systab, "EFI configuration table %s is at %p\n",
233  efi_guid_ntoa ( &tab->guid ), *(tab->table) );
234  } else {
235  DBGC ( systab, "EFI does not provide configuration "
236  "table %s\n", efi_guid_ntoa ( &tab->guid ) );
237  if ( tab->required ) {
239  goto err_missing_table;
240  }
241  }
242  }
244  /* Get loaded image protocol */
245  if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( image_handle,
247  &loaded_image, image_handle, NULL,
249  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
250  DBGC ( systab, "EFI could not get loaded image protocol: %s",
251  strerror ( rc ) );
252  goto err_no_loaded_image;
253  }
254  efi_loaded_image = loaded_image;
255  DBGC ( systab, "EFI image base address %p\n",
258  /* Record command line */
262  /* Get loaded image's device handle's device path */
263  if ( ( efirc = bs->OpenProtocol ( efi_loaded_image->DeviceHandle,
265  &device_path, image_handle, NULL,
267  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
268  DBGC ( systab, "EFI could not get loaded image's device path: "
269  "%s", strerror ( rc ) );
270  goto err_no_device_path;
271  }
273  /* Make a copy of the loaded image's device handle's device
274  * path, since the device handle itself may become invalidated
275  * when we load our own drivers.
276  */
277  device_path_len = ( efi_path_len ( device_path ) +
278  sizeof ( EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL ) );
279  if ( ( efirc = bs->AllocatePool ( EfiBootServicesData, device_path_len,
280  &device_path_copy ) ) != 0 ) {
281  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
282  goto err_alloc_device_path;
283  }
284  memcpy ( device_path_copy, device_path, device_path_len );
285  efi_loaded_image_path = device_path_copy;
286  DBGC ( systab, "EFI image device path %s\n",
289  /* EFI is perfectly capable of gracefully shutting down any
290  * loaded devices if it decides to fall back to a legacy boot.
291  * For no particularly comprehensible reason, it doesn't
292  * bother doing so when ExitBootServices() is called.
293  */
294  if ( ( efirc = bs->CreateEvent ( EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES,
296  NULL, &efi_shutdown_event ) ) != 0 ) {
297  rc = -EEFI ( efirc );
298  DBGC ( systab, "EFI could not create ExitBootServices event: "
299  "%s\n", strerror ( rc ) );
300  goto err_create_event;
301  }
303  /* Install driver binding protocol */
304  if ( ( rc = efi_driver_install() ) != 0 ) {
305  DBGC ( systab, "EFI could not install driver: %s\n",
306  strerror ( rc ) );
307  efirc = EFIRC ( rc );
308  goto err_driver_install;
309  }
311  /* Install image unload method */
314  return 0;
317  err_driver_install:
319  err_create_event:
321  err_alloc_device_path:
322  err_no_device_path:
323  err_no_loaded_image:
324  err_missing_table:
325  err_missing_protocol:
326  err_sanity:
327  return efirc;
328 }
void efi_driver_uninstall(void)
Uninstall EFI driver.
Definition: efi_driver.c:447
union edd_device_path device_path
Device path.
Definition: edd.h:24
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
void ** protocol
Variable containing pointer to protocol structure.
Definition: efi.h:88
EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL * efi_loaded_image
Loaded image protocol for this image.
Definition: efi_init.c:37
struct arbelprm_rc_send_wqe rc
Definition: arbel.h:14
#define EEFI(efirc)
Convert an EFI status code to an iPXE status code.
Definition: efi.h:171
const wchar_t * efi_cmdline
EFI command line (may not be wNUL-terminated.
Definition: efi_cmdline.c:43
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1995
Definition: efi.h:86
#define DBGC(...)
Definition: compiler.h:505
EFI_GUID efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid
Loaded image protocol GUID.
Definition: efi_guid.c:244
size_t efi_path_len(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *path)
Find length of device path (excluding terminator)
Definition: efi_path.c:144
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1945
VOID * ImageBase
The base address at which the image was loaded.
Definition: LoadedImage.h:69
This protocol can be used on any device handle to obtain generic path/location information concerning...
Definition: DevicePath.h:45
#define TPL_NOTIFY
Definition: UefiSpec.h:639
EFI protocol table.
Definition: efi.h:94
Definition: UefiSpec.h:445
EFI configuration table table.
Definition: efi.h:138
An EFI configuration table used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:128
EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL * efi_loaded_image_path
Device path for the loaded image's device handle.
Definition: efi_init.c:40
void * memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t len) __nonnull
If this value is returned by an API, it means the capability is not yet installed/available/ready to ...
Definition: PiMultiPhase.h:56
A pointer to the EFI_SIMPLE_TEXT_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL interface that is associated with ConsoleOutHandle.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2066
static EFI_EVENT efi_shutdown_event
Event used to signal shutdown.
Definition: efi_init.c:61
static EFIAPI void efi_shutdown_hook(EFI_EVENT event __unused, void *context __unused)
Shut down in preparation for booting an OS.
Definition: efi_init.c:83
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1941
static void * efi_find_table(EFI_GUID *guid)
Look up EFI configuration table.
Definition: efi_init.c:112
const char * efi_devpath_text(EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *path)
Get textual representation of device path.
Definition: efi_debug.c:463
VOID * LoadOptions
A pointer to the image's binary load options.
Definition: LoadedImage.h:64
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1344
An EFI protocol used by iPXE.
Definition: efi.h:84
const char * efi_guid_ntoa(CONST EFI_GUID *guid)
Convert GUID to a printable string.
Definition: efi_debug.c:256
char * strerror(int errno)
Retrieve string representation of error number.
Definition: strerror.c:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
EFI_HANDLE efi_image_handle
Image handle passed to entry point.
Definition: efi_init.c:34
Definition: LoadedImage.h:73
#define for_each_table_entry(pointer, table)
Iterate through all entries within a linker table.
Definition: tables.h:385
EFI_GUID efi_device_path_protocol_guid
Device path protocol GUID.
Definition: efi_guid.c:144
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1936
void ** table
Variable containing pointer to configuration table.
Definition: efi.h:132
UINT32 LoadOptionsSize
The size in bytes of LoadOptions.
Definition: LoadedImage.h:63
int required
Protocol is required.
Definition: efi.h:90
A pointer to the EFI Runtime Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2081
Definition: efi.h:130
Function return status for EFI API.
Definition: UefiBaseType.h:31
static EFI_EXIT efi_exit
Exit function.
Definition: efi_init.c:71
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1986
size_t efi_cmdline_len
Length of EFI command line (in bytes)
Definition: efi_cmdline.c:46
The data portions of a loaded Boot Serves Driver, and the default data allocation type used by a Boot...
int required
Table is required for operation.
Definition: efi.h:134
static EFI_STATUS EFIAPI efi_unload(EFI_HANDLE image_handle)
Shut down EFI environment.
Definition: efi_init.c:335
#define NULL
NULL pointer (VOID *)
Definition: Base.h:321
int efi_driver_install(void)
Install EFI driver.
Definition: efi_driver.c:414
#define EFIRC(rc)
Convert an iPXE status code to an EFI status code.
Definition: efi.h:163
EFI_HANDLE DeviceHandle
The device handle that the EFI Image was loaded from.
Definition: LoadedImage.h:55
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1935

References EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::AllocatePool, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::CloseEvent, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::ConOut, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::CreateEvent, DBGC, device_path, EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL::DeviceHandle, EEFI, efi_cmdline, efi_cmdline_len, EFI_CONFIG_TABLES, efi_device_path_protocol_guid, efi_devpath_text(), efi_driver_install(), efi_driver_uninstall(), efi_exit, efi_find_table(), efi_guid_ntoa(), efi_image_handle, efi_loaded_image, efi_loaded_image_path, efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid, EFI_NOT_AVAILABLE_YET, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_GET_PROTOCOL, efi_path_len(), EFI_PROTOCOLS, efi_shutdown_event, efi_shutdown_hook(), efi_systab, efi_unload(), EfiBootServicesData, EFIRC, EVT_SIGNAL_EXIT_BOOT_SERVICES, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::Exit, for_each_table_entry, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::FreePool, efi_protocol::guid, efi_config_table::guid, EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL::ImageBase, EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL::LoadOptions, EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL::LoadOptionsSize, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::LocateProtocol, memcpy(), NULL, EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::OpenProtocol, efi_protocol::protocol, rc, efi_protocol::required, efi_config_table::required, EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::RuntimeServices, strerror(), efi_config_table::table, TPL_NOTIFY, and EFI_LOADED_IMAGE_PROTOCOL::Unload.

Referenced by _efi_start(), and _efidrv_start().

◆ efi_raise_tpl()

void efi_raise_tpl ( struct efi_saved_tpl tpl)

Raise task priority level to internal level.

tplSaved TPL

Definition at line 399 of file efi_init.c.

399  {
402  /* Record current external TPL */
403  tpl->previous = efi_external_tpl;
405  /* Raise TPL and record previous TPL as new external TPL */
406  tpl->current = bs->RaiseTPL ( efi_internal_tpl );
407  efi_external_tpl = tpl->current;
408 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1926
EFI_TPL efi_internal_tpl
Internal task priority level.
Definition: efi_init.c:52
EFI_TPL current
Current external TPL.
Definition: efi.h:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
EFI_TPL previous
Previous external TPL.
Definition: efi.h:80
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
EFI_TPL efi_external_tpl
External task priority level.
Definition: efi_init.c:55

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, efi_saved_tpl::current, efi_external_tpl, efi_internal_tpl, efi_systab, efi_saved_tpl::previous, and EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::RaiseTPL.

Referenced by _efidrv_start(), efi_driver_start(), efi_driver_stop(), efi_snp_add_claim(), efi_snp_get_status(), efi_snp_initialize(), efi_snp_receive(), efi_snp_reset(), efi_snp_shutdown(), efi_snp_transmit(), efi_snp_wait_for_packet(), efi_unload(), efi_usb_async_interrupt_transfer(), efi_usb_bulk_transfer(), efi_usb_control_transfer(), efi_usb_get_string_descriptor(), efi_usb_sync_interrupt_transfer(), efi_vlan_find(), efi_vlan_remove(), and efi_vlan_set().

◆ efi_restore_tpl()

void efi_restore_tpl ( struct efi_saved_tpl tpl)

Restore task priority level.

tplSaved TPL

Definition at line 415 of file efi_init.c.

415  {
418  /* Restore external TPL */
419  efi_external_tpl = tpl->previous;
421  /* Restore TPL */
422  bs->RestoreTPL ( tpl->current );
423 }
A pointer to the EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:2085
EFI_TPL current
Current external TPL.
Definition: efi.h:78
EFI Boot Services Table.
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1917
EFI_TPL previous
Previous external TPL.
Definition: efi.h:80
EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE * efi_systab
Definition: UefiSpec.h:1927
EFI_TPL efi_external_tpl
External task priority level.
Definition: efi_init.c:55

References EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE::BootServices, efi_saved_tpl::current, efi_external_tpl, efi_systab, efi_saved_tpl::previous, and EFI_BOOT_SERVICES::RestoreTPL.

Referenced by _efidrv_start(), efi_driver_start(), efi_driver_stop(), efi_snp_add_claim(), efi_snp_get_status(), efi_snp_initialize(), efi_snp_receive(), efi_snp_reset(), efi_snp_shutdown(), efi_snp_transmit(), efi_snp_wait_for_packet(), efi_unload(), efi_usb_async_interrupt_transfer(), efi_usb_bulk_transfer(), efi_usb_control_transfer(), efi_usb_get_string_descriptor(), efi_usb_sync_interrupt_transfer(), efi_vlan_find(), efi_vlan_remove(), and efi_vlan_set().

Variable Documentation

◆ efi_absolute_pointer_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_absolute_pointer_protocol_guid

Absolute pointer protocol GUID.

Definition at line 100 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_acpi_table_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_acpi_table_protocol_guid

ACPI table protocol GUID.

Definition at line 104 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_apple_net_boot_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_apple_net_boot_protocol_guid

Apple NetBoot protocol GUID.

Definition at line 108 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_pxe_install(), and efi_pxe_uninstall().

◆ efi_arp_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_arp_protocol_guid

ARP protocol GUID.

Definition at line 112 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_arp_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_arp_service_binding_protocol_guid

ARP service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 116 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_block_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_block_io_protocol_guid

Block I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 120 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_block_boot(), efi_block_hook(), efi_block_local(), efi_block_unhook(), efi_file_install(), and efi_file_uninstall().

◆ efi_block_io2_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_block_io2_protocol_guid

Block I/O version 2 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 124 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_bus_specific_driver_override_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_bus_specific_driver_override_protocol_guid

Bus specific driver override protocol GUID.

Definition at line 128 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_component_name_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_component_name_protocol_guid

Component name protocol GUID.

Definition at line 132 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_veto_find().

◆ efi_component_name2_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_component_name2_protocol_guid

Component name 2 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 136 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_driver_controller_name(), efi_driver_install(), efi_driver_uninstall(), efi_snp_probe(), and efi_snp_remove().

◆ efi_console_control_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_console_control_protocol_guid

Console control protocol GUID.

Definition at line 140 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_device_path_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_device_path_protocol_guid

◆ efi_dhcp4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dhcp4_protocol_guid

DHCPv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 148 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dhcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dhcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

DHCPv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 152 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dhcp6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dhcp6_protocol_guid

DHCPv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 156 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dhcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dhcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

DHCPv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 160 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_disk_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_disk_io_protocol_guid

Disk I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 164 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_file_install(), and efi_file_uninstall().

◆ efi_dns4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dns4_protocol_guid

DNSv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 168 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dns4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dns4_service_binding_protocol_guid

DNSv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 172 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dns6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dns6_protocol_guid

DNSv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 176 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_dns6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_dns6_service_binding_protocol_guid

DNSv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 180 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_driver_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_driver_binding_protocol_guid

Driver binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 184 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_driver_install(), efi_driver_uninstall(), efi_veto(), efi_veto_find(), and efi_veto_uninstall().

◆ efi_graphics_output_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_graphics_output_protocol_guid

Graphics output protocol GUID.

Definition at line 188 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efifb_init().

◆ efi_hii_config_access_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_hii_config_access_protocol_guid

HII configuration access protocol GUID.

Definition at line 192 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_snp_hii_install(), and efi_snp_hii_uninstall().

◆ efi_hii_font_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_hii_font_protocol_guid

HII font protocol GUID.

Definition at line 196 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efifb_init().

◆ efi_http_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_http_protocol_guid

HTTP protocol GUID.

Definition at line 200 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_http_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_http_service_binding_protocol_guid

HTTP service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 204 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip4_protocol_guid

IPv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 208 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip4_config_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip4_config_protocol_guid

IPv4 configuration protocol GUID.

Definition at line 212 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip4_config2_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip4_config2_protocol_guid

IPv4 configuration 2 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 216 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip4_service_binding_protocol_guid

IPv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 220 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip6_protocol_guid

IPv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 224 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip6_config_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip6_config_protocol_guid

IPv6 configuration protocol GUID.

Definition at line 228 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_ip6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_ip6_service_binding_protocol_guid

IPv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 232 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_load_file_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_load_file_protocol_guid

Load file protocol GUID.

Definition at line 236 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_snp_probe(), and efi_snp_remove().

◆ efi_load_file2_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_load_file2_protocol_guid

Load file 2 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 240 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_file_path_install(), and efi_file_path_uninstall().

◆ efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_loaded_image_protocol_guid

Loaded image protocol GUID.

Definition at line 244 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_dump_image(), efi_image_exec(), efi_init(), and efi_veto_find().

◆ efi_loaded_image_device_path_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_loaded_image_device_path_protocol_guid

Loaded image device path protocol GUID.

Definition at line 248 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_managed_network_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_managed_network_protocol_guid

Managed network protocol GUID.

Definition at line 252 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by mnpnet_start(), and mnpnet_stop().

◆ efi_managed_network_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_managed_network_service_binding_protocol_guid

Managed network service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 256 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by mnp_supported(), mnpnet_start(), and mnpnet_stop().

◆ efi_mtftp4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_mtftp4_protocol_guid

MTFTPv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 260 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_mtftp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_mtftp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

MTFTPv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 264 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_mtftp6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_mtftp6_protocol_guid

MTFTPv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 268 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_mtftp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_mtftp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

MTFTPv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 272 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_nii_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_nii_protocol_guid

Network interface identifier protocol GUID (old version)

Definition at line 276 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_snp_probe(), and efi_snp_remove().

◆ efi_nii31_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_nii31_protocol_guid

Network interface identifier protocol GUID (new version)

Definition at line 280 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_snp_probe(), efi_snp_remove(), nii_start(), nii_stop(), and nii_supported().

◆ efi_pci_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_pci_io_protocol_guid

PCI I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 284 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_pci_info(), efipci_close(), efipci_open(), efipci_start(), nii_pci_close(), and nii_pci_open().

◆ efi_pci_root_bridge_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_pci_root_bridge_io_protocol_guid

PCI root bridge I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 288 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efipci_discover_any(), efipci_discover_one(), efipci_root_close(), and efipci_root_open().

◆ efi_pxe_base_code_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_pxe_base_code_protocol_guid

PXE base code protocol GUID.

Definition at line 292 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_cachedhcp_record(), efi_pxe_install(), efi_pxe_uninstall(), and efi_shim_inhibit_pxe().

◆ efi_serial_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_serial_io_protocol_guid

Serial I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 296 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_shim_lock_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_shim_lock_protocol_guid

Shim lock protocol GUID.

Definition at line 300 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_shim_is_sbatlevel(), and efi_shim_unlock().

◆ efi_simple_file_system_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_file_system_protocol_guid

Simple file system protocol GUID.

Definition at line 304 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_block_root(), efi_block_scan(), efi_file_install(), efi_file_uninstall(), efi_local_open_root(), and efi_local_open_volume().

◆ efi_simple_network_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_network_protocol_guid

Simple network protocol GUID.

Definition at line 308 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_set_autoboot_ll_addr(), efi_snp_probe(), efi_snp_remove(), snp_supported(), snpnet_start(), and snpnet_stop().

◆ efi_simple_pointer_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_pointer_protocol_guid

Simple pointer protocol GUID.

Definition at line 312 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_simple_text_input_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_input_protocol_guid

Simple text input protocol GUID.

Definition at line 316 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_simple_text_input_ex_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_input_ex_protocol_guid

Simple text input extension protocol GUID.

Definition at line 320 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_console_init().

◆ efi_simple_text_output_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_simple_text_output_protocol_guid

Simple text output protocol GUID.

Definition at line 324 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcg_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcg_protocol_guid

TCG protocol GUID.

Definition at line 328 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcg2_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcg2_protocol_guid

TCG2 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 332 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcp4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcp4_protocol_guid

TCPv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 336 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

TCPv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 340 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcp6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcp6_protocol_guid

TCPv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 344 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tcp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

TCPv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 348 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_tree_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_tree_protocol_guid

TrEE protocol GUID.

Definition at line 352 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_udp4_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_udp4_protocol_guid

UDPv4 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 356 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_udp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_udp4_service_binding_protocol_guid

UDPv4 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 360 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_udp6_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_udp6_protocol_guid

UDPv6 protocol GUID.

Definition at line 364 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_udp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_udp6_service_binding_protocol_guid

UDPv6 service binding protocol GUID.

Definition at line 368 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_uga_draw_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_uga_draw_protocol_guid

UGA draw protocol GUID.

Definition at line 372 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_unicode_collation_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_unicode_collation_protocol_guid

Unicode collation protocol GUID.

Definition at line 376 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_usb_hc_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_usb_hc_protocol_guid

USB host controller protocol GUID.

Definition at line 380 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_usb2_hc_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_usb2_hc_protocol_guid

USB2 host controller protocol GUID.

Definition at line 384 of file efi_guid.c.

◆ efi_usb_io_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_usb_io_protocol_guid

USB I/O protocol GUID.

Definition at line 388 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_usb_install(), efi_usb_uninstall(), usbio_close(), usbio_open(), usbio_start(), usbio_stop(), and usbio_supported().

◆ efi_vlan_config_protocol_guid

EFI_GUID efi_vlan_config_protocol_guid

VLAN configuration protocol GUID.

Definition at line 392 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_snp_probe(), and efi_snp_remove().

◆ efi_file_info_id

EFI_GUID efi_file_info_id

File information GUID.

Definition at line 395 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_file_get_info(), and efi_local_len().

◆ efi_file_system_info_id

EFI_GUID efi_file_system_info_id

File system information GUID.

Definition at line 398 of file efi_guid.c.

Referenced by efi_block_label(), efi_file_get_info(), and efi_local_check_volume_name().

◆ efi_image_handle

EFI_HANDLE efi_image_handle

◆ efi_loaded_image


◆ efi_loaded_image_path

EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL* efi_loaded_image_path

Device path for the loaded image's device handle.

Definition at line 40 of file efi_init.c.

Referenced by efi_init(), efi_init_application(), efi_local_open_volume(), efi_path_net_probe(), and efi_unload().

◆ efi_systab

EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* efi_systab

Referenced by __stack_chk_fail(), chained_locate(), chained_supported(), dbg_efi_openers(), dbg_efi_protocol(), dbg_efi_protocols(), efi_allocate_pages_wrapper(), efi_allocate_pool_wrapper(), efi_block_boot(), efi_block_connect(), efi_block_exec(), efi_block_hook(), efi_block_local(), efi_block_match(), efi_block_root(), efi_block_scan(), efi_block_unhook(), efi_bofm_start(), efi_bofm_supported(), efi_cachedhcp_record(), efi_check_event_wrapper(), efi_child_add(), efi_child_del(), efi_close_event_wrapper(), efi_close_protocol_wrapper(), efi_conin_name(), efi_connect_controller_wrapper(), efi_conout_name(), efi_console_init(), efi_create_event_ex_wrapper(), efi_create_event_wrapper(), efi_currticks(), efi_devpath_text(), efi_disconnect_controller_wrapper(), efi_download_install(), efi_download_uninstall(), efi_driver_connect(), efi_driver_controller_name(), efi_driver_disconnect(), efi_driver_handles(), efi_driver_install(), efi_driver_reconnect(), efi_driver_uninstall(), efi_dump_image(), efi_entropy_disable(), efi_entropy_enable(), efi_entropy_tick(), efi_exit_boot_services_wrapper(), efi_exit_wrapper(), efi_file_install(), efi_file_path_claim(), efi_file_path_install(), efi_file_path_uninstall(), efi_file_uninstall(), efi_find_table(), efi_free_pages_wrapper(), efi_free_pool_wrapper(), efi_get_memory_map_wrapper(), efi_get_next_monotonic_count_wrapper(), efi_get_time(), efi_getchar(), efi_handle_cup(), efi_handle_dectcem_reset(), efi_handle_dectcem_set(), efi_handle_ed(), efi_handle_name(), efi_handle_protocol_wrapper(), efi_handle_sgr(), efi_image_exec(), efi_image_probe(), efi_init(), efi_install_configuration_table_wrapper(), efi_install_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_install_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_iskey(), efi_load_image_wrapper(), efi_local_open_root(), efi_local_open_volume(), efi_locate_device(), efi_locate_device_path_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_buffer_wrapper(), efi_locate_handle_wrapper(), efi_locate_protocol_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_information_wrapper(), efi_open_protocol_wrapper(), efi_poweroff(), efi_protocols_per_handle_wrapper(), efi_putchar(), efi_pxe_install(), efi_pxe_uninstall(), efi_raise_tpl(), efi_raise_tpl_wrapper(), efi_reboot(), efi_register_protocol_notify_wrapper(), efi_reinstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_restore_tpl(), efi_restore_tpl_wrapper(), efi_service_add(), efi_service_del(), efi_set_autoboot_ll_addr(), efi_set_timer_wrapper(), efi_set_watchdog_timer_wrapper(), efi_shim_get_memory_map(), efi_shim_inhibit_pxe(), efi_shim_install(), efi_shim_uninstall(), efi_shim_unlock(), efi_signal_event_wrapper(), efi_snp_hii_append(), efi_snp_hii_install(), efi_snp_hii_uninstall(), efi_snp_poll(), efi_snp_probe(), efi_snp_remove(), efi_stall_wrapper(), efi_start_image_wrapper(), efi_tick_shutdown(), efi_tick_startup(), efi_udelay(), efi_uninstall_multiple_protocol_interfaces_wrapper(), efi_uninstall_protocol_interface_wrapper(), efi_unload(), efi_unload_image_wrapper(), efi_urealloc(), efi_usb_async_start(), efi_usb_async_stop(), efi_usb_close(), efi_usb_get_string_descriptor(), efi_usb_install(), efi_usb_open(), efi_usb_probe(), efi_usb_uninstall(), efi_veto(), efi_veto_close(), efi_veto_close_handle(), efi_veto_close_protocol(), efi_veto_disconnect(), efi_veto_find(), efi_veto_uninstall(), efi_veto_unload(), efi_vlan_find(), efi_wait_for_event_wrapper(), efi_watchdog_expired(), efi_watchdog_shutdown(), efi_wrap(), efi_wrap_bs(), efidev_alloc(), efifb_draw(), efifb_init(), efifb_select_mode(), efipci_close(), efipci_discover_any(), efipci_discover_one(), efipci_open(), efipci_root_close(), efipci_root_open(), efivars_fetch(), efivars_find(), mnpnet_close(), mnpnet_open(), mnpnet_poll_rx(), mnpnet_start(), mnpnet_stop(), nii_block(), nii_issue_cpb_db(), nii_pci_close(), nii_pci_open(), nii_start(), nii_stop(), snpnet_start(), snpnet_stop(), snpnet_supported(), usbio_close(), usbio_open(), usbio_path(), usbio_start(), usbio_stop(), and usbio_supported().

◆ efi_internal_tpl

EFI_TPL efi_internal_tpl

Internal task priority level.

Definition at line 52 of file efi_init.c.

Referenced by efi_currticks(), efi_entropy_disable(), efi_raise_tpl(), efi_shutdown_hook(), and nii_issue_cpb_db().

◆ efi_external_tpl

EFI_TPL efi_external_tpl

External task priority level.

Definition at line 55 of file efi_init.c.

Referenced by efi_currticks(), efi_entropy_enable(), efi_raise_tpl(), and efi_restore_tpl().

◆ efi_shutdown_in_progress

int efi_shutdown_in_progress

◆ __stack_chk_guard

unsigned long __stack_chk_guard

Stack cookie.

Definition at line 64 of file efi_init.c.

Referenced by __stack_chk_fail(), and efi_init_stack_guard().